Info Sekolah
Senin, 17 Feb 2025
  • Sekolah Berbasis Pesantren dengan Pendidikan 24 Jam, dibawah naungan Pesantren Modern alAmanah Junwangi
  • Sekolah Berbasis Pesantren dengan Pendidikan 24 Jam, dibawah naungan Pesantren Modern alAmanah Junwangi

Motivational Seminar on Character Building Held for Junior High School Students

Terbit : Rabu, 29 Mei 2024 - Kategori : Kegiatan Sekolah

Bilingual Terpadu Junior High School, April 25, 2024

A motivational seminar focused on character building was held on April 25, 2024, at Bilingual Terpadu Junior High School. The seminar, aimed at addressing issues of student behavior, was attended by 8th-grade students from both Bilingual Terpadu Junior High School and Bilingual Terpadu Junior High School 2.

The session was led by renowned trainer and consultant Bayu As-Shidiq, who provided valuable insights and motivational guidance to the students. The seminar was organized in response to concerns about students displaying bad manners towards each other, their teachers, and parents.

Throughout the seminar, Bayu As-Shidiq engaged the students with powerful messages and activities designed to instill better behavior and respect. By the end of the session, many students were visibly moved and expressed regret for their past actions, culminating in an emotional moment where several students were brought to tears.

The event highlighted the importance of character education and the impact of motivational guidance in shaping young minds.

SMP Bilingual Terpadu