Info Sekolah
Sabtu, 27 Jul 2024
  • Sekolah Berbasis Pesantren dengan Pendidikan 24 Jam, dibawah naungan Pesantren Modern alAmanah Junwangi
  • Sekolah Berbasis Pesantren dengan Pendidikan 24 Jam, dibawah naungan Pesantren Modern alAmanah Junwangi

Arsip : Februari 2024

The Routine Activity of PIPAMADU and Expression Stage of SMP BILTER

Terbit : Jumat, 9 Feb 2024
Every month, students of SMP Bilingual Integrated turn routine into tangible actions for the environment and creativity. With a spirit of togetherness, they utilize the Waste Bank to create positive..

Processing Leaf Waste into Planting Media by 7th grade at Integrated Bilingual Middle School

Terbit : Kamis, 8 Feb 2024
Tuesday, January 30th 2024 – In the North Field of the Integrated Bilingual Middle School, 7th grade students from the Sciencepreneur skills program carried out activities to process leaf waste..

Membentuk Generasi Munzirul Qoum yang Unggul Melalui Kegiatan Kemah Galang Al-Amanah ke-7

Terbit : Kamis, 1 Feb 2024
SMP Bilingual Terpadu menggelar Kemah Galang Al-Amanah ke-7 dalam rangka meningkatkan karakter santri yang berdaya saing unggul dan mandiri di Lapangan Mahsyar Pesantren Modern Al-Amanah. Acara ini diikuti oleh seluruh..