Info Sekolah
Sabtu, 22 Feb 2025
  • Sekolah Berbasis Pesantren dengan Pendidikan 24 Jam, dibawah naungan Pesantren Modern alAmanah Junwangi
  • Sekolah Berbasis Pesantren dengan Pendidikan 24 Jam, dibawah naungan Pesantren Modern alAmanah Junwangi

Improving Teacher Soft Skills of Integrated Bilingual Middle School and Integrated Bilingual Middle School 2 held In House Training (IHT) to Strengthen Differentiated Learning

Terbit : Sabtu, 20 Januari 2024 - Kategori : Kegiatan Sekolah

As time progresses, the world of education continues to develop and the curriculum continues to change. One of the changes occurred in the world of education today is a change of the curriculum, the essence of which refers to learning according to students’ interests and talents. Teachers as the front guard of educational staff who lead the younger generation towards their golden future are the ones who must be required to always upgrade themselves in this era of educational change. Preparing the generation according to their interests and talents. so that they are able to face the challenges of the times through meaningful learning is a special vocation for teachers.

Therefore, to answer these challenges, Integrated Bilingual Middle School and Integrated Bilingual Middle School 2 held *In House Training (IHT)* with the theme ” *Class Management Through the Implementation of Independent Curriculum Differentiated Learning”.* The IHT participants are all teachers of national education subjects. This activity was held for 2 days, 12th-13th December 2023 at the Al-Umm Building, 2nd floor, bringing with the speaker by Mr. Abdullah S.Pd., M.Pd., Supervisor of the Sidoarjo Regency Education Service. For 2 days, the teachers received reinforcement material regarding differentiated learning. Starting from the presentation of the material, the practice of making teaching modules, present teaching modules, were followed with enthusiasm.

The implementation of the independent curriculum certainly means that all educational institutions, including Integrated Bilingual Middle School and Integrated Bilingual Middle School 2, continue to move forward with initiatives to become schools that are responsive to curriculum adaptations. This IHT activity is a form of the school’s positive response to curriculum changes as an effort to improve the quality of education. From this activity, it is hoped that teachers can apply differentiated learning concepts in the classroom. So that they can lead students to reach their maximum potential to face future challenges. SMR.

SMP Bilingual Terpadu